Hangover Cures and Remedies
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Hangover Cures
before start
while you drink
before bed
morning after

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1. Alternate alcoholic drinks with water or juice. Staying hydrated can minimize the severity of a hangover.

2. Because of congeners (biologically active, nonalcohol compounds in beverages) dark alcoholic beverages (whiskey, brandy, red wine) cause more intense hangovers than an equal quantity of light-colored alcoholic beverages, such as vodka or gin.

3. Carbonated drinks can produce heavier hangovers (alcohol is absorbed more quickly) than non-carbonated cocktails (eg. vodka with fruit juice).

4. Do not mix alcoholic beverages. Different styles of drink have different congeners, and some of them can react with one another in undesirable ways.

5. Start with lighter drinks (eg. beer then vodka).

6. Drink each glass of alcohol slowly. Try to limit yourself to 1 drink per hour (hardly possible).

7. Eating while drinking slows the absorption of alcohol and increases metabolism.

8. Avoid sugar you consume with your alcohol. It can accelerate the depletion of B vitamins and make the hangover worse.

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